Firstly my sympathy to all posters or lurkers that have had to endure the unimaginable pain of a seriously sick child needing an operation
I noted when this story first broke public opinion in the U..K was firmly against the King family, now that public opinion seems to have changed. Imagine if today was the anniversary of a child's death, and a person looks back on the decision they made. I therefore feel I can't judge a family decision as I was not there during the decision making process nor do not know how the options were presented to a parent. So assuming parents want the best for the child, how can I judge? But I do no that I would never compromise my own ethical and moral conscience to do what i sincerely thought is best for my child. My only hope is that my decision was rational and I didn't learn to regret my decision. If later I discoverd my decision was based on being fed wrong information I would feel I was a murderer. In fact this is where I believe the G.B has a great deal of blood guilt and has caused terrible suffering to many parents.
The Rebel.